Saturday, April 24, 2010

How Do Mosquitoes Suck Blood?

Mosquitoes are around the world. A number of mosquitoes are impossible to assume. Actually everyone was bitten by mosquitoes and used to upset about tiny flying animals. But this is a life cycle, all creatures, living in same area, must depend on together. The researches indicate that only female mosquitoes bite human. While biting, they suck our blood at the same time. They approach their proboscises inside under our skin and suck our blood out. When the mosquitoes receive a lot of blood, their abdomens look tight and big. While human are sucked, their body receive some saliva from the mosquitoes. The saliva is the main source of many effects such as spots and diseases. The danger disease which comes from it is malaria.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Really clear understanding shown. Again, well done for using the AWL.
