Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Phrase from Sir Winston Churchill

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” said Sir Winston Churchill.

In my opinion, the definition of success is reaching a dream. Not everyone can make the dream happened or can be successful. Success requires a high ambition and assiduity. Talent people also need these type of personality to achieve. Notice from CEO or businessmen/women, some of them hard analyze for receiving dissimilar idea to anyone. Some of the different thinking is a failure. In this case, the idea owners will get extremely depressing and will ask themselves “Why? What is the problem? What did I do wrong?” These kinds of question are the necessary proposition that the successful guys have to respond and pass. If the second try is failed, the success might be next. And the next, result is still a nightmare, there is next of the next. The success will happen any time soon if trying hard again and again. The previous failures let the failed people know what mistakes are, and in the future, they won’t make the same errors.

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